Image File Types.
BMP. What are they, and how do you choose? These and many other file types are
used to encode digital images. The choices are simpler than you might think.
Part of the reason for
the plethora of file types is the need for compression. Image files can be quite large, and larger file
types mean more disk usage and slower downloads. Compression is a term used to
describe ways of cutting the size of the file. Compression schemes can by lossy or lossless.
Another reason for the
many file types is that images differ in the number of colours they contain. If
an image has few colours, a file type can be designed to exploit this as a way
of reducing file size.
Lossy vs. Lossless compression
You will often hear the
terms "lossy" and "lossless" compression. A lossless
compression algorithm discards no information. It looks for more efficient ways
to represent an image, while making no compromises in accuracy. In contrast,
lossy algorithms accept some degradation in the image in order to achieve
smaller file size.
A lossless algorithm
might, for example, look for a recurring pattern in the file, and replace each
occurrence with a short abbreviation, thereby cutting the file size. In
contrast, a lossy algorithm might store colour information at a lower
resolution than the image itself, since the eye is not so sensitive to changes
in colour of a small distance.
Number of colours
Images start with
differing numbers of colours in them. The simplest images may contain only two
colours, such as black and white, and will need only 1 bit to represent each
pixel. Many early PC video cards would support only 16 fixed colours. Later
cards would display 256 simultaneously, any of which could be chosen from a
pool of 224, or 16 million colours. New cards devote 24 bits to each
pixel, and are therefore capable of displaying 224, or 16 million
colours without restriction. A few display even more. Since the eye has trouble
distinguishing between similar colours, 24 bit or 16 million colours is often
called True Colour.
The file types
TIFF is, in principle, a very
flexible format that can be lossless or lossy. The details of the image storage
algorithm are included as part of the file. In practice, TIFF is used almost
exclusively as a lossless image storage format that uses no compression at all.
Most graphics programs that use TIFF do not compression. Consequently, file
sizes are quite big. (Sometimes a lossless compression algorithm called LZW is
used, but it is not universally supported.)
PNG is also a lossless
storage format. However, in contrast with common TIFF usage, it looks for
patterns in the image that it can use to compress file size. The compression is
exactly reversible, so the image is recovered exactly.
GIF creates a table of up to
256 colours from a pool of 16 million. If the image has fewer than 256 colours,
GIF can render the image exactly. When the image contains many colours,
software that creates the GIF uses any of several algorithms to approximate the
collars in the image with the limited palette of 256 colours available. Better
algorithms search the image to find an optimum set of 256 collars. Sometimes
GIF uses the nearest colour to represent each pixel, and sometimes it uses
"error diffusion" to adjust the colour of nearby pixels to correct
for the error in each pixel.
GIF achieves compression
in two ways. First, it reduces the number of colours of colour-rich images,
thereby reducing the number of bits needed per pixel, as just described.
Second, it replaces commonly occurring patterns (especially large areas of
uniform colour) with a short abbreviation: instead of storing "white,
white, white, white, white," it stores "5 white."
Thus, GIF is
"lossless" only for images with 256 colours or less. For a rich, true
colour image, GIF may "lose" 99.998% of the colours.
JPG is optimized for
photographs and similar continuous tone images that contain many, many colours.
It can achieve astounding compression ratios even while maintaining very high
image quality. GIF compression is unkind to such images. JPG works by analysing
images and discarding kinds of information that the eye is least likely to
notice. It stores information as 24 bit colour. Important: the degree of
compression of JPG is adjustable. At moderate compression levels of
photographic images, it is very difficult for the eye to discern any difference
from the original, even at extreme magnification. Compression factors of more
than 20 are often quite acceptable. Better graphics programs, such as Paint
Shop Pro and Photoshop, allow you to view the image quality and file size as a
function of compression level, so that you can conveniently choose the balance
between quality and file size.
RAW is an image output
option available on some digital cameras. Though lossless, it is a factor of
three of four smaller than TIFF files of the same image. The disadvantage is
that there is a different RAW format for each manufacturer, and so you may have
to use the manufacturer's software to view the images. (Some graphics
applications can read some manufacturer's RAW formats.)
BMP is an uncompressed
proprietary format invented by Microsoft. There is really no reason to ever use
this format.
PSD, PSP, etc are proprietary formats
used by graphics programs. Photoshop's files have the PSD extension, while
Paint Shop Pro files use PSP. These are the preferred working formats as you
edit images in the software, because only the proprietary formats retain all
the editing power of the programs. These packages use layers, for example, to
build complex images, and layer information may be lost in the non-proprietary
formats such as TIFF and JPG. However, be sure to save your end result as a
standard TIFF or JPG, or you may not be able to view it in a few years when
your software has changed.
Currently, GIF and JPG
are the formats used for nearly all web images. PNG is supported by most of the
latest generation browsers. TIFF is not widely supported by web browsers, and
should be avoided for web use. PNG does everything GIF does, and better, so expect
to see PNG replace GIF in the future. PNG will not replace JPG, since JPG is capable of much greater
compression of photographic images, even when set for quite minimal loss of
File size comparisons
Below are comparisons of
the same image saved in several popular file types. (Note that there is no
reason to view more than one of the TIFFs or the PNG. Since all are lossless
formats, their appearance is identical.)
File type
Tiff, uncompressed
Tiff, LZW lossless compression.
JPG, High quality
JPG, medium quality
JPG, my usual web quality
JPG, low quality / high compression
JPG, absurdly high compression
PNG, lossless compression
GIF, lossless compression, but only 256
When should you use each?
This is usually the best
quality output from a digital camera. Digital cameras often offer around three
JPG quality settings plus TIFF. Since JPG always means at least some loss of
quality, TIFF means better quality. However, the file size is huge compared to
even the best JPG setting, and the advantages may not be noticeable.
A more important use of
TIFF is as the working storage format as you edit and manipulate digital
images. You do not want to go through several load, edit, save cycles with JPG
storage, as the degradation accumulates with each new save. One or two JPG
saves at high quality may not be noticeable, but the tenth certainly will be.
TIFF is lossless, so there is no degradation associated with saving a TIFF
Does NOT use TIFF for
web images. They produce big files, and more importantly, most web browsers
will not display TIFFs.
This is the format of
choice for nearly all photographs on the web. You can achieve excellent quality
even at rather high compression settings. I also use JPG as the ultimate format
for all my digital photographs. If I edit a photo, I will use my software's
proprietary format until finished, and then save the result as a JPG.
Digital cameras save in
a JPG format by default. Switching to TIFF or RAW improves quality in
principle, but the difference is difficult to see. Shooting in TIFF has two
disadvantages compared to JPG: fewer photos per memory card, and a longer wait
between photographs as the image transfers to the card. I rarely shoot in TIFF
Never use JPG for line
art. On images such as these with areas of uniform colour with sharp edges, JPG
does a poor job. These are tasks for which GIF and PNG are well suited.
See JPG vs. GIF for web images.
If your image has fewer
than 256 colours and contains large areas of uniform colour, GIF is your
choice. The files will be small yet perfect. Here is an example of an image
well-suited for GIF:

Do NOT use GIF for
photographic images, since it can contain only 256 colors per image.
PNG is of principal
value in two applications:
- If you have an image with large areas of
exactly uniform colour, but contains more than 256 colours, PNG is your
choice. Its strategy is similar to that of GIF, but it supports 16 million
colours, not just 256.
- If you want to display a
photograph exactly without
loss on the web, PNG is your choice. Later generation web browsers support
PNG, and PNG is the only lossless format that web browsers support.
PNG is superior to GIF.
It produces smaller files and allows more colours. PNG also supports partial transparency. Partial
transparency can be used for many useful purposes, such as fades and
antialiasing of text. Unfortunately, Microsoft's Internet Explorer does not
properly support PNG transparency, so for now web authors must avoid using
transparency in PNG images.
Other formats
When using graphics
software such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, working files should be in the
proprietary format of the software. Save final results in TIFF, PNG, or JPG.
Use RAW only for
in-camera storage, and copy or convert to TIFF, PNG, or JPG as soon as you
transfer to your PC. You do not want your image archives to be in a proprietary
format. Although several graphics programs can now read the RAW format for many
digital cameras, it is unwise to rely on any proprietary format for long term
storage. Will you be able to read a RAW file in five years? In twenty? JPG is
the format most likely to be readable in 50 years. Thus, it is appropriate to
use RAW to store images in the camera and perhaps for temporary lossless
storage on your PC, but be sure to create a TIFF, or better still a PNG or JPG,
for archival storage.
Choosing a File Format for Digital Still Images
The choice of file
formats can often prove overwhelming for someone new to the world of digital
imaging. The aim of this document is to explain some of the factors that should
be considered before choosing a format and suggest suitable file formats for
specific applications.
Over the years, there
have been a number of file formats that have been proposed and used. Every
year, this choice gets larger and larger as new file formats are introduced and
it is not always immediately clear which is the best one to use in any
particular case. The choice will depend on a number of factors, which will vary
according to the type of media and how you intend to use the file. Each stage
of the process, from capture through to delivery, has its own requirements that
may affect this choice.
This report provides a
brief look at some of these factors and provides guidelines to making the best
choice from what is available.
For a
full introduction to the file formats themselves, see the JISC Digital Media
advice document File Formats and Compression.
Choose a non-proprietary open 'standard'
Despite the large range
of available file formats, choosing one should not be too hard as only a very
few of them are normally recommended for digitisation projects. Any
digitisation project will need to consider the long-term usefulness and
accessibility of the images and this means choosing a file that is both an
established industry 'standard' as well as a non-proprietary format. This
limits the range to a much more easily considered number that includes the most
common four below:
TIFF (Tagged Image File
PNG (Portable Network
JPEG or JFIF (Joint
Photographic Experts Group File Interchange Format)
GIF (Graphic Interchange
There can be good
reasons why a project might wish or need to use another file format at some
part of their project, such as some of the proprietary formats including:
PDF (Portable Document
Format/Adobe Acrobat File)
PSD (Photoshop
Document/Adobe Photoshop Image File)
The camera's native RAW
this is likely to come about because of some specific need of a particular
project and cannot be covered here. For details of these file types and many
others, please see the JISC Digital Media advice document File Formats and Compression.
This is the first step
in the digitisation process. When capturing images, it is important that they
are all created at the highest possible quality and at a size appropriate for
all subsequent uses. Errors at this point will certainly compromise the quality
of the whole project and the only recovery option will be to go back and
re-capture the original.
digital capture devices originally capture values of Red, Green and Blue. The
number of different describable colours (or tones of grey) will depend upon the
'bit-depth' of the device. Any modern device will be able to capture in at
least 24-bit colour (or 8-bit B&W) (see the JISC Digital Media advice
document The Digital Still Image),
although some modern devices can capture at higher bit depths, right up to
Some of the more
advanced cameras offer their own un-processed RAW formats. These files contain
all of the original data as captured by the sensor without alteration. These
images are then processed on the computer where fine adjustments can be made to
the white balance, exposure and sharpness before saving in a non-proprietary
format. RAW files usually contain higher bit depths than the
equivalent JPEGs and TIFFs produced by the camera.
Once the capture device
has created the image, it must be saved for later use.
Format requirements
A file format should be
chosen that:
Retains all information
that was created by the capture device. This will mean using a file format that
can store the image in at least the same colour depth as it was created. 24-bit
for colour and 8-bit for B&W should be considered the minimum although
files captured with a larger bit-depth should really be archived with this
Retains any capture
device colour management information (ICC profile)
Uses (or can be set up
to use) no compression
The suggested format here is: TIFF or the proprietary format of
capture device.
Although it is normally advisable to avoid all proprietary file formats, there can be an argument for the temporary use of a proprietary format within the scanning software if it is able to offer some level of additional functionality. However it would still need to be converted to another open standard format before being archived.
Although it is normally advisable to avoid all proprietary file formats, there can be an argument for the temporary use of a proprietary format within the scanning software if it is able to offer some level of additional functionality. However it would still need to be converted to another open standard format before being archived.
When we mention or
specify TIFF, it is important to realise that the TIFF file
format comes in a range of types, supporting different functionality, such as
multipages and even a choice of compressions including JPEG. So when we
specify TIFF for archival purposes we always mean an uncompressed
Baseline TIFF v6 with Intel byte order (PC option).
There are two possible
methodologies for creating a Master Archive and both have advantages, depending
on the project.
1 - Archive all data exactly as created by the capture device.
Master Archive contains a copy of each image in a form as close as possible to
the original captured data. This enables the project to go back to the archive
knowing that they have an exact copy of everything that was originally created
by the capture device for the project. It should be realised that as images are
pre-optimisation, they might not look as good as those archived using Method 2.
They will be in a totally original form but not necessarily the highest visual
quality. With this approach, it is important to use a colour space that in no
way compromises the colour gamut of the original data. This will often mean leaving
the image within the capture device's own colour space, but could mean using a
larger or unbounded colour space such as CIE Lab.
2 - Archive an optimised version of image file.
Master Archive contains a copy of each image after it has been prepared and
optimised for use at its highest quality (see Basic Guidelines for Image Capture and Optimisation). This has the advantage of archiving the image in
a ready-to-use state. The optimisation need only be done once, and all images
can be handled in a consistent way. However, it is inevitable that some data
will have been lost in the process and if the optimisation (see Basic Guidelines for Image Capture and Optimisation) is in any way inappropriate or badly undertaken
then the project will be unable to go back to the original data and work from
there. For this approach it would make sense to save the image in a colour
space appropriate for the intended use of the image in the future.
(Adobe RGB 1998 would be advised for print/web, but sRGB could be
used if the only delivery medium was going to be the web).
Format requirements
The requirements of a
file format for archiving are the same as for creation except that it should
Be an open standard file
format - proprietary formats should not be used, as there is uncertainty about
the ability to open the file in the future. A possible exception to this might
be the Adobe Photoshop format - see below
Preferably not use any
compression, although lossless compression may be acceptable. Be aware that one
of the most common lossless compressions is LZW, which is based upon patented
technology and should therefore be avoided.
Suggested formats:
Method 1 DNG, TIFF, PNG
Method 2 TIFF, PNG or possibly PSD
One way around the
question of whether to archive before or after optimisation is to use the
'layers' features of Photoshop and save the image as a PSD file. This
proprietary file format allows both the original image (un-optimised) and any
optimisation to be stored within the same file. This effectively allows both
states of the file to be archived within the same file. The PSD file
is however a 'Proprietary' format and its use should therefore be approached
with great care.
All image optimisation
and manipulation is undertaken within image processing software. Whilst
carrying out this work, it can be useful to save the image in the proprietary
format of the image processing software.
Editing can be a time
consuming process and the proprietary formats offer increased functionality
that enable extra information (e.g. layers, masks and channels) to be stored.
This enables subsequent editing to resume from where the last session finished
without having to recreate any prior work. Unfortunately using a proprietary
file format in this way conflicts with the preservation requirements of our
archive images. This is where archiving after optimisation can have an
On the other hand, if
the image is going to require a lot of manipulation or will be made for a
specific use then it can be helpful to have access to the original file before
any other processing has been undertaken. This is an advantage of archiving
before optimisation.
Suggested formats: Image
processing proprietary formats such as PSD for Photoshop,PSP for
Paint Shop Pro and PNG for Fireworks. However TIFF is still
a good choice if the increased functionality of the proprietary formats are not
required (the TIFF format can save some layer information but only a
few programs such as Photoshop CS can read this information - so it can no
longer be considered a truly open source file).
However, once the image
manipulation has been finished the file should be saved in a form appropriate
to its subsequent use.
Choosing the correct
image file format for delivery probably poses the hardest decision with the
biggest variety of choice. These are just some of the issues that will need to
be considered:
What is the intended use of the image
after delivery?
How much image resolution is needed
to convey the intellectual content to the user?
On what output device is the image
going to be used - monitor, printer, projector?
What are the capabilities of the output device?
What bit depth can it handle? What is the required resolution?
What bandwidth is available for
Is the image for photo-realistic or presentation use?
How is the image going
to be delivered? CD-ROM, tape, WAP,
Internet (dialup, broadband, LAN or WAN connection)?
Is there a requirement
to add any watermarking or deal with
any other digital rights management issue?
Do the users require the
image to be provided with any colour profile or other colour management
With so many
considerations, combined with the proliferation of file formats, each designed
for a specific use, it is little wonder that this subject continues to confuse
and engender debate.
With this in mind, the
following are more in the form of ideas for consideration than guidelines.
It is hard to give
generic advice in this area, the important thing is to talk to the person doing
the printing as mistakes can be costly and it is the printer who should
understand what must be provided for the agreed use. They will hopefully be
able to give you specific image preparation guidelines so as to help you
prepare images correctly for their workflow.
Normally the printer
will want images in a high quality uncompressed format such
as TIFF or within an encapsulated metafile such
as EPS or PDF (although in the commercial world Quark files
are also popular as many printers have an established workflow based around
Quark XPress, which provides all layout and sizing, whilst the image is
provided as a linked TIFF).
that the printing process uses subtractive colour rather than additive colour
(see the JISC Digital Media advice document The Digital Still Image) and
this means the image must be printed from a CMYK file rather than
an RGB one. It will therefore be necessary for either you or the
printer to convert the image file from RGB to CMYK. This is
rarely an easy task and should be undertaken with care by a skilled operator
who understands the workings of a CMYK printing workflow. Due to
problems with this process, it is becoming more common to provide the printer
with an RGB file and ask them to undertake the transformation. When
this is done, it is normal to use an RGB colour space that is
designed to transform to CMYK easily. There are a few possibilities,
but the most common and almost standard is Adobe RGB 1998.
Suggested formats: TIFF (RGB), TIFF (CMYK), EPS, PDF
It is quite normal to
have to undertake a fair amount of testing and adjusting with a desktop printer
before it is possible to get the best results out of it. Most of these devices
(certainly all those using ink/pigment) print in CMYK, however they
normally undertake the conversion themselves and have been designed to work
best with RGB data. The exceptions to this are 'continuous tone'
printers such as the dye sublimation and photo-printer types which print in RGB.
The normal desktop
printers (ink-jet and colour photocopier) are designed to work happily with a
range of image file formats, including JPEG compressed files. However
they will still work best with the maximum amount of image data supplied by an
uncompressed image such as a TIFF or PSD. Nonetheless,
surprisingly good results can be obtained from JPEG compressed files as
long as the quality is set at the highest setting (with a file size larger than
10% of original).
Suggested formats: TIFF (RGB), PSD, JPEG (high
quality setting)
For most digitisation
projects, the most common delivery format is simply a monitor with the images
viewed through a web browser interface. This makes the choice of file format
easy as the current selection of web browsers only support a small range of
image file formats (JPEG, GIF & PNG), although this range
can be extended with the use of the appropriate plug-in.
Delivering images
through a web browser has some inherent advantages and unfortunately some
challenges. The main advantage is that (in common with all monitor delivery)
images naturally look 'good' on a monitor where their perceived 'brightness'
(the light is being transmitted to you, rather than reflected) hides many small
deficiencies in quality that would compromise quality if the image was printed.
On the other hand, present browsers have only limited image-viewing
capabilities and are unable to 'zoom' in and out of the images. This means that
delivery is limited to images with pixel dimensions that fit within the user's
browser - suggested standards at present are to design web pages to a size of
800 x 600 pixels giving standard image sizes of approx 512 pixels on the
longest edge.
The largest limitation
on the quality of images delivered on the web and the main influence on
'choice', is the need for them to be compressed to a size that makes their
delivery over the limited available bandwidth possible. All the file formats
supported by web browsers provide compression, however the amount and method of
compression varies.
Web browsers currently
support the following file formats:
- JPEG is not actually a file type, but a type of compression
proposed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group. It is used within the JFIF
file format that uses the file extension .jpg and we colloquially call the
'JPEG'. It is a lossy compression and will provide the best quality and lowest
file size for continuous tone images. The amount of compression given to the
file is chosen at the time of saving the file and allows for variation in
quality against file size: as a rule of thumb, it is normally considered that a
file compressed with JPEG to 10% of its original size will be
visually acceptable with no obvious compression artefacts. However it is common
if required, to compress right down to 2-4% if the lower quality is acceptable.
GIF - The Graphic
Interchange Format, is an 8-bit (and under) indexed file type only offering a
range of 256 (or less) different colours (these can either be a standard
selection or a image-dependent selection by user-choice). It was designed in
the early days of the Internet by CompuServe and works best for use with simple
images using block colours, such as graphics, logos and
banners. GIF uses lossless LZW compression, the amount of compression
will depend totally on the type of image being saved. A full colour continuous
tone image is unlikely to compress to less than 30% of its original size,
however a solid colour vector image should compress far more. The GIF file
format supports layers allowing it to offer both transparency and animation.
PNG - The Portable
Network Graphics (colloquially called 'PING') file is an open source 'standard'
that was introduced to overcome the possible patent problems associated with
the GIF format (the LZW patent expired in 2004). It is normally used
in either an 8-bit indexed version or as a 24-bit full colour version, although
there is also an infrequently used 48-bit version as well. This makes it a very
versatile format offering either the advantages of lossless compression in full
colour (as an archive format) or as a GIF replacement in 8-bit form.
However it cannot compete with the JPEG in terms of producing high
quality and small, full colour images for viewing on the web. The compression
available from PNG in 24-bit mode is typical for a lossless
compression providing a file of about 60-75% of the original size and in 8-bit
mode it is much the same as GIF. PNG supports transparency (even
variable opacity) but is not able to provide animation.
The JPEG 2000
(j2k or jp2) format was developed to replace the popular JPEG format;
it makes use of wavelet compression, which can use either lossless or lossy
methods of compression. While it doesn't offer any significant increase in
compression ratios over normal JPEG there is less of the blockiness
and artifacting associated with standard JPEG compression. While JPEG2000
is not as widely supported as was first hoped, it is slowly gaining in
popularity however; it looks unlikely that it will replace JPEG in
the near future.
Suggested formats and relevant uses: JPEG, PNG, GIF
It is quite legitimate
to use any of these file formats for web delivery, however they do have
particular strengths and weaknesses that should be considered in your choice.
The table below sets out some of the more common needs, the best choice and the
reason for making your choice:
Need or Use
Recommended File Type
Normal continuous-tone full colour image at
the highest quality
PNG will allow you to deliver an image
at the highest quality using lossless compression. However file size will be
very large (approx 60% of original). JPEG at its best quality
setting, should be visually identical but provide a larger compression
(approx 10-25% or original).
Normal continuous-tone full colour image at
highest compression
JPEG will allow compression of the
image down to approx 2-4% of the original size. At this compression,
quality is likely to suffer, but in some cases this can be acceptable
A web banner or logo with 8-bit or less
Both PNG and GIF offer
the best compression for file size. PNG is 'patent' free, but might
have problems with older browsers
Continuous-tone greyscale image
As greyscale is only 8-bit anyway, all of
the formats should provide comparable quality, however JPEG is
likely to provide highest compression (with corresponding drop in quality)
Black and White bi-tonal images
In this
case, GIF or PNG should provide equal
quality. JPEG is not recommended as it will give a file size larger
than PNG/GIF due to it being unable to store less than 8-bit
Image or logo with transparent layers
Both PNG and GIF support
transparency. PNG is non-patented. PNG also offers
multi-layers and variable-transparency. Note this is not supported in older
A full colour image with lossless
As stated above, only PNG allows
you to deliver a losslessly compressed image
Animated image
At present only GIF can support
A zoomable or streamable image
This will largely depend upon server
software, however it is hoped that browsers will be able to provide this with
newer file types such as JPEG 2000 or VFZ
A file with reliable image metadata tagging
At present this is not supported by the
current web browsers, however JPEG and PNG both do
support IPTC data. JPEG 2000 also has an XML-based
inbuilt metadata system, which should hopefully be readable by future web
A file with integral rights management
So far all these systems will need some
server-side software and plug-ins within the user's browser, however again it
is hoped that JPEG 2000 and next generation browsers will be able
to provide this functionality
File formats for PowerPoint or other multimedia
long as the intended delivery format is still using a monitor, all the file
formats recommended for use within a web browser will still be good choices.
However if MS PowerPoint is being used to create posters or some other printed
media, it might well be better to consider some of the image file formats suggested
in the section for Commercial printing or Desktop printing.
The main influence on
choice will be the available bandwidth for the delivery of this material. If
there are bandwidth restrictions then it will make sense to use some of the
file formats suggested for web delivery, however if the presentation is to be
delivered locally then there is no reason to not use images of a
correspondingly higher quality.
Suggested formats for monitor delivery: JPEG, PNG and GIF (at
compression rate to suit delivery bandwidth and PC performance)
Suggested formats for print delivery: JPEG - High Quality, TIFF, PNG and GIF
Suggested formats for print delivery: JPEG - High Quality, TIFF, PNG and GIF
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