Tuesday 5 February 2013

key dates of world war two.

30th January 1933            Hitler Chancellor of Germany     Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany

22nd March 1933              First concentration camp opened             The first concentration camp was opened at Dachau in Germany

1st April 1933     Jewish shops boycotted               Germans were told not to buy from Jewish shops or businesses

1 September 1939      world war 2 begins.

24th November 1933      'Undesirables' sent to camps      Homeless, alcoholic and unemployed people were sent to concentration camps

17th May 1934   Jewish persecution         An order was issued which prohibited Jewish people from having health insurance

15th September 1935     Nuremberg Laws             The Nuremberg Laws were introduced. These laws were designed to take away Jewish rights of citizenship and included orders that:
 Jews are no longer allowed to be German citizens.
Jews cannot marry non-Jews.
Jews cannot have sexual relations with non-Jews.

13th March 1938               Austrian Jews persecuted            Following Anschluss which joined Germany and Austria, Jews in Austria were persecuted and victimised.

8th July 1938      Munich synagogue destroyed    The Jewish synagogue in Munich was destroyed

5th October 1938             Jewish passports stamped with 'J'            The passports of all Austrian and German Jews had to be stamped with a large red letter 'J'

9th November 1938        Kristallnacht       A night of extreme violence.
Approximately 100 Jews were murdered,
20,000 German and Austrian Jews arrested and sent to camps, Hundreds of synagogues burned, and the
Windows of Jewish shops  all over Germany and Austria smashed.
12th November 1938      Jews fined          Jews were made to pay one billion marks for the damage caused by Kristallnacht.

15th November 1938      Jewish children expelled from schools   An order was issued that stated that Jewish children should not be allowed to attend non-Jewish German schools

12th October 1939           Austrian and Czech Jews deported          Jews living in Austria and Czechoslovakia were sent to Poland

23rd November 1939      Yellow Star introduced  Jews in Poland were forced to sew a yellow star onto their clothes so that they could be easily identified.

Early 1940            European Jews persecuted         Jews in German occupied countries were persecuted by the Nazis and many were sent to concentration camps.

20th May 1940   Auschwitz           A new concentration camp, Auschwitz, opened

15th November 1940      Warsaw Ghetto                The Warsaw Ghetto was sealed off. There were around 400,000 Jewish people inside

July 1941              Einsatzgruppen The Einsatzgruppen (killing squads) began rounding up and murdering Jews in Russia. 33,000 Jews are murdered in two days at Babi Yar near Kiev.

31st July 1941     'Final Solution'   Reinhard Heydrich chosen to implement ‘Final Solution’

8th December 1941         First 'Death Camp'           The first 'Death Camp' was opened at Chelmno.

January 1942      Mass-gassing     Mass-gassing of Jews began at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Summer 1942    European Jews gassed  Jews from all over occupied Europe were sent to 'Death Camps'

29th January 1943            Gypsies sent to camps   An order was issued for gypsies to be sent to concentration camps.

19th April - 16th May 1943            Warsaw Ghetto Uprising              An order was issued to empty the Warsaw Ghetto and deport the inmates to Treblinka. Following the deportation of some Warsaw Jews, news leaked back to those remaining in the Ghetto of mass killings.
A group of about 750 mainly young people decided that they had nothing to lose by resisting deportation. Using weapons smuggled into the Ghetto they fired on German troops who tried to round up inmates for deportation.
They held out for nearly a month before they were taken by the Nazis and shot or sent to death camps.

Late 1943             'Death Camps' closed     With the Russians advancing from the East, many 'Death Camps' were closed and evidence destroyed.

14th May - 8th July 1944                Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz           440,000 Hungarian Jews were transported to Auschwitz

30th October 1944           Auschwitz           The gas chambers at Auschwitz were used for the last time

27th January 1945            'Death Marches'               Many remaining camps were closed and evidence of their existence destroyed. Those who had survived the camps so far were taken on forced 'Death Marches'.

30th April 1945  Hitler committed suicide               Faced with impending defeat, Hitler committed suicide

7th May 1945     German surrender          Germany surrendered and the war in Europe was over

2 September 1945                  world war 2 ends  (6 years, 1 day)

20th November 1945      Nuremberg war trial began         Surviving Nazi leaders were put on trial at Nuremberg

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