Tuesday 5 February 2013

what was the holocaust and why did it happen

The Holocaust was the mass murder of six million Jews and millions of other people leading up to and during World War II.
The killings took place in Europe between 1933 and 1945. They were organised by the German Nazi party which was led by Adolf Hitler.

The largest group of victims were Jewish people. Nearly 7 out of every 10 Jews living in Europe were murdered.
Most of the victims were killed because they belonged to certain racial or religious groups which the Nazis wanted to wipe out. This kind of killing is called genocide.

The Nazis also murdered politicians, trade unionists, journalists, teachers and anyone else who spoke out against Hitler.
We will never know exactly how many died but there were many millions of non-Jewish victims, including:

Civilians and soldiers from the Soviet Union
Catholics from Poland
Disabled people
Jehovah's Witnesses
Polish civilians
Roma and Sinti people (Gypsies)
Slavic people

In 1921 Adolf Hitler became leader of the Nazi party. The Nazis were racists and believed that their Aryan race was superior to others.
To them, an Aryan was anyone who was European and not Jewish, Romany or Slavic.
They also thought Germany was a more important country than its neighbours.
In 1934 Hitler became Germany's head of state. He introduced anti-Semitic laws which discriminated against Jewish people living in the areas he controlled.
Some of these laws meant that Jewish children could no longer go to school, keep pets or have a bicycle.
The Nazis believed that Jews were a problem that needed to be removed. The mass killings of the Holocaust were what Hitler called "The Final Solution".
Hitler also wanted to make Germany bigger, so he invaded neighbouring countries and took them over.
Many of the non-German people living on land that he wanted for Germans were also sent to concentration camps.

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